By Fred Morris

Believe it or not, there are women out there who don’t know the pleasures of having doors opened for them, doing the Boot-Scooting Boogie, or spending a night under the stars on the old deer stand (off-season) with a strong, warm man. This list of reasons to date a redneck man is just for them.

1. Girls grow up in love with horses, most of them. A redneck man is likely to know how to ride one, get enthusiastic about riding one with you, and may actually have a couple on his farm that match his cowboy hat and boot.

2. You are safe with a redneck man. No one in his right mind is going to mess with a guy who may have a gun hidden in his boot.

3. A redneck man was brought up right by his mama. He will open your door, pull out your chair, treat you like a lady, and don’t even think about going dutch!

4. Have you ever really looked at a cowboy?


5. You don’t have to dress up. If you wear your tight blue jeans and a nice T-shirt, he’ll be suitably impressed, and you should look just right for going out to Nascar, the honky-tonk, or to experience the thrills of mudding.

6. Rednecks generally have a lot more money than you’d think because they don’t spend it on too-big houses, snazzy clothes, or expensive gadgets. They keep things down to earth and simple. That does not mean a redneck does not believe in luxury; he just doesn’t believe he has to impress the world.

7. Rednecks are typically brought up with conservative values. This makes them a bad choice for a hippie chick, but a perfect choice if you’re looking for a nice guy to raise a family with.

8. More rednecks are heroes than non-rednecks. Your typical white-collar guy will not walk into a burning building. A redneck will. You’d be surprised how many firemen, cops, and soldiers are rednecks to the bone.

9. Rednecks have a great sense of humor. It comes from years of laughing at themselves, and their brother Jimmy who went fishing with dynamite.

10. Rednecks know how to appreciate a lady the way she wants to be appreciated. If you look classy, you’ll be treated that way. If you decide to look sexy, watch out! A redneck man is surprisingly good at picking up on your personal vibe at any given time. He also understands that no means no, probably because his mama knocked it into his head.

The real question: why do you want to date a redneck? If you’re a redneck woman, the answer is obvious. If you’re not, here’s my bet: the rednecks you’ve seen or been exposed to seem to have the ideals of the romantic hero. You’re curious are they really like that?

Yep, they are. And they’re waiting for that perfect romantic heroine, the tough but feminine lady. You might just be her.

About the Author: Fred Morris is the owner of


an online community of over 18,000 single rednecks seeking romance, friendship, adventure, hunting, camping and fishing partners, and NASCAR buddies. Visit

today and find your own redneck


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