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For a dentist to become a dentist, there is quite the long list of dental schools, dental exams, and dental practice licenses that are required! Knowing about all the requirements dentists have to fulfill helps me to feel better about going to the dentist.
First, an aspiring dentist must take some pre-med courses like micro-biology, chemistry, and biology before being accepted into dental school. These pre-med dental courses are usually a four-year course to learn about subjects related to dental care. Once an aspiring dentist finishes their pre-med requirements, they have to take an exam to see if they are a good candidate for dental school. This dental school exam is called the Dental Admission Test. When applying to dental schools, an aspiring dentist must submit the dental admission test results along with their pre-med schooling results. All of this is only to be accepted to general dentistry dental school. There is more dental school work to do for dentist sub-specialties like endodontics, prosthodontic dental care, periodontics, pediatric dentistry, and more.
General dentistry dental school usually takes four years to finish. While in general dentistry school an aspiring dentist works on dental treatment and dental diagnosis along with pathology. An aspiring dentist can also work on their clinical skills in doing a required externship. This dental externship focuses on all aspects of the dental practice so that the aspiring dentist doesn’t just focus on their dental sub-specialty. One important thing to note about dental schools is that for a dentist to practice after graduating from a dental school, that dental school has to be officially recognized by the ADA (American Dental Association).
After general dentistry dental school graduation, a dentist can choose to study a sub-specialty like endodontics, prosthodontic dentistry, periodontics, pediatric dentistry, cancer services, or other dental and health services. Within the United States, dental schools usually offer these dental sub-specialty courses after the general dentistry has been completed by the aspiring dentist. Depending upon the choice of the dentist, sub-specialty dental school courses can take anywhere from 2 to 6 years of dental school.
After completing any type of dental school, before a dentist can practice their dental profession, they must take the National Board Dental Examination. The Dental Exam evaluates the knowledge of the dentist to be. A dentist to be can choose to take the dental exam before their dental school externship, during their dental school externship or after they have graduated from dental school. The timing is all preferential and up to the dentist to be, but the dental exam must be passed before a dentist can practice.
One other test must be taken by a licensed dentist and that depends upon the state or region in which the dentist wants to practice and see patients. Every state or region has their own licensure exam which must be taken be a dentist before accepting patients. This dental license must also be regularly renewed and updated. Depending on the region and state issuing the dental license, there may be continuing dental school courses that are required for a dentist to take before their dental license can be renewed.
Article Source: sooperarticles.com/health-fitness-articles/dental-care-articles/education-requirements-dentists-768540.html
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Anyone who has lost track of time when using a computer knows the propensity to dream, the urge to make dreams come true and the tendency to miss lunchAfter general dentistry dental school graduation, a dentist can choose to study a sub-specialty like endodontics, prosthodontic dentistry, periodontics, pediatric dentistry, cancer services, or other dental and health services. Within the United…. Learn more at Draper Dentist and SupportAuthor: Lino Lamond