By Dr Ahnsup Kim

Being prepared will help you earn successful results, and this holds true for any cosmetic surgery out there. In the delicate healing process of double eyelid surgery, there are a number of concerns that has been raised by a lot of patients. So, to help those who are yet to undergo this surgical procedure, here are some common questions gathered that might be helpful for you.

1. What should I do to reduce swelling?

Swelling after eyelid surgery is part of the normal process of healing. But you can lessen that and improve your chances of healing by first reducing your salt intake. Salt has the tendency to retain fluids in your system thus aggravating the problem. Air pressure and altitude changes can also worsen swelling, which is why it is advisable to avoid plane rides around this time. Lying with your head elevated can also prevent swelling from worsening. However, you must know that swelling can take weeks, months and even up to a year to subside.

2. What can I do to lessen scarring?

The chances of scarring can be prevented by making sure that the surgery site is well protected from possible infections. Aseptic technique should also be employed while performing your after-care regimen again to prevent any chances of infection. Reducing swelling in the area can also promote less scarring because this can hasten the healing process.


3. What should I do with uneven eyelids?

If you had both your eyelids done, you must know that our eyelids heal at different rates. Any uneven results just might resolve after the swelling has gone down. But if there is marked unevenness or ptosis of the other eyelid, you should immediately have this checked by your surgeon. This might be a case for revision.

4. What causes blurry vision after double eyelid surgery?

There is no need to panic when you experience blurred vision after surgery because this occurrence is normal. Swelling can be a cause for blurriness, especially when it occurs in the cornea which results in a foggy natural contact lens. The ointments that you use can also blur your vision because this can come in thick consistencies. This is why it is advised to administer them only at night. But if blurriness is associated with constant dryness of the eyes, it is best that you consult your doctor about this because abrasion to the eyes might lead to blindness.

5. What should I do with bloodshot eyes after surgery?

Bloodshot eyes are common for a week or so after eyelid surgery. But if it persists after that, you must immediately consult your doctor. This can be caused by corneal irritation, corneal abrasion, eye dryness, allergies or a bad reaction to medications among many others. To lessen this, moisturizing drops can be of great help.

6. When can I use my contacts after double eyelid surgery?

Each doctor has their own recommendation that is why you should ask your surgeon about this. But usually you have to wait at least 2 weeks after surgery before it is generally safe to put the contacts in.

7. Will steroid injections help me in preventing scar tissue formation after surgery?

A steroid injection works great for extensive scarring, hypertrophic scars, or retraction of the eyelids.

8. What do I do with these small lumps along my eyelid surgery incisions?

Sometimes small white lumps appear along incision lines; these are referred to as milia. They are not serious and they can easily be removed by a needle in the doctor’s office. For other types of lumps that form, this should be assessed first by your surgeon and usually this can be relieved with Kenalog injections.

About the Author: For

recommended eyelid surgery in Sydney

and Melbourne, Advance Beauty Cosmetic Surgery is the place that can give you a safe and quality surgical treatment. Dr. Ahnsup Kim has years of experience and very good surgical history with double eyelid surgery. Feel free to add

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